
Choosing The Right Space Air Heating For Your Caravan

To heat or not to heat?!

Every year we are asked questions about Caravan heating, such as; 

  • We have a reverse cycle air conditioner fitted on board already, why do we need a specialised heating appliance as well?
  • Should we look at gas or diesel?
  • What heaters do you recommend?

These are all great questions and justifiable to be asked, as purchasing appliances for your van is an investment.

What is the difference between an air conditioner and an air heater? 

This all comes down to functionality and purpose. There are some amazing reverse cycle roof mounted air conditioners on the market that can successfully cool and warm the internal space of your caravan. However, when the external temperature drops below a certain point, the working parameter on the unit also reaches a point where it is no longer able to sustain the warm air input. This is where an air heater comes into its own, as these units are not affected by external temperatures.

Then there is the age old debate – gas vs diesel

Both fuel supplies have their benefits and there are some great units available in both.
But which fuel supply will work best for you? The top two points to consider include;

  1. Does the van already have gas plumbing on board?
  2. Do you carry additional diesel and travel to remote areas where gas becomes inaccessible?

If your answer was yes to having gas already on board, then a gas air heater would be the option to consider.

If you answered yes to carrying additional diesel and travelling to remote areas then consider a diesel air heater. In saying this, if you have a diesel motorhome and you want to utilise your diesel on board but do not carry any additional diesel when travelling, keep an eye on the diesel consumption of your selected diesel heater. As you don’t want to burn diesel throughout the night and leave yourself without enough left for your journey the next day to the nearest petrol station.

Recently we met with Charlie from Truma Australia to talk about the Truma VarioHeat Gas Air Heater.

In this video, they discuss how the gas heaters work differently to diesel heaters.

Which heaters do we recommend?

After many years of installing, servicing and also using heaters in our own caravans, we have found a few that we would recommend in both gas and diesel.

These units perform well, are backed by warranty, meet safety standards and are good quality.

Diesel units to consider include; the Eberspacher and Webasto ranges.

For gas, the Truma VarioHeat.

Choosing the right space air heater for your caravan is a personal decision. So research, check reviews and look at what will work best with your van set up by speaking with a professional. This will help you get your caravan warm during winter.

By Letitia Twist

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