
2020 Grass Roots Tour – St George Update

2020 Grass Roots Tour St George

13 May 2020
On Sunday the 15th of March we departed Country Style Caravan Park in Stanthorpe and made our way over to St George.
Along the way we made a few stops, first at Yelabron to see the new ‘Painted Silos’ in progress.

Pictured Above: Left, The Silos in progress of being painted. Right, The Silos completed.

From Yelabron a fair few of us travelled down to Nindigully to visit the famous Nindigully Pub for a cold beverage and lunch.

After our visit we received a very lovely letter from Nindigully Pub owners Bernsie & Deb:

Hi, to all the members of suncoast caravans grass roots tour into western queensland in march 2020.
Our family have owned and operated Nindigully Pub for 18 years thru floods drought and now the virus we dont want to dwell on.
It was so heart warming to see many of your group filling our pub last sunday 15th march.
It was by far our best day since last novembers annual rfds nindigully pig races in many ways. Your members were very friendly and patient.
Our entire staff and town population of 8 were really happy with the workout as we do often get bored.
I have no doubt ourselves and every town you visited in western queensland wants to give you all a big hug for coming and supporting us.
Without your emotional and economic help many buisnesses out here would be forced to close the doors forever.
Please come back anytime that suits you , we are not going anywhere and are happy to serve and assist in your travels in our wonderful country.
Please keep up your great roadtrips and spread the love throughout Australia.
Burnsie and Deb
Nindigully pub owners/operators since 2002

Nindigully Pub

Pictured Above: Attendee Brett Murray with his children Zayd & Jax out front of the Nindigully Pub.

We are thrilled that our visit had such a great impact for Bernsie & Deb. The Pub is always a favourite stop over for our families outback travels and is full of character. Plus there’s always a cold beverage on tap ready with a nice meal and good Aussie hospitality.

As we made our way to St George, it was evident that the drought was yet to be broken but the recent rains had brought a little life back to the countryside.

By the afternoon we had all arrived at Pelican Rest Tourist Park on the edge of St George township. As we arrived we were greeted by Park Managers Phil & Sherryn and Des & Jenny. Who had gone to so much effort to welcome us with a special greeting sign, a ‘mini market’ featuring local artwork and the like, and the ‘St George Chapter Roma Historical Motor Club’ with their fantastic cars on display.

Plus, Trent from the local St George Bakery popped in with his 1917 T-Model Ford to take a few lucky attendees on a joy ride around the park.

Left: Trent from St George Bakery with tour attendees Ayla & Nate. Middle: The St George Chapter sign. Right: The St George Chapter car club line up.

Look I’m not going to lie, the flies were a little thick thanks to the recent rain. Nonetheless they did not dampen our spirits as there was too much fun to be had!

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